T-902901 Fred Beckey Climbing
Ed Cooper Photography
1A6493 Mt. Diablo and Poppies
Ed Cooper Photography
1A5637-Mt. Shasta from Oregon
Ed Cooper Photography
131704-Adirondack Reflect
Ed Cooper Photography
306540 Climbers on Lost Arrow 1967
Ed Cooper Photography
T04402 Beckey and Hieb after Forbidden Peak 1st Ascent
Ed Cooper Photography
T-202410 BW Fred Beckey High on Berg Glacier
Ed Cooper Photography
T-04402 Fred Beckey and Joe Hieb After First Ascent Forbidden Peak
Ed Cooper Photography
214501-Colors of Sandia Crest
Ed Cooper Photography
1A4Y20-V-Sunset on Rainier with the Tacoma Narrows Bridge
Ed Cooper Photography
509417-BW-Gannett Peak seen from Dinwoody Creek
Ed Cooper Photography
210715 Mt. Princeton
Ed Cooper Photography
135701 Old Man of the Mountain NH
Ed Cooper Photography
2A6219 California Poppies along Big Sur Coast
Ed Cooper Photography
100105-Hanakapiai Falls, Kauai
Ed Cooper Photography
T-404101 Climbers on Sleese Mountain
Ed Cooper Photography
1M6701 Historic Jeffrey Pine Sentinel Dome Yosemite
Ed Cooper Photography
5B6386 Villa Miravalle Spring Mountain Vineyard Falcon Crest
Ed Cooper Photography
2M6542-El Cap Reflect
Ed Cooper Photography
T-04701 Fred Beckey on Mt. Si 1958
Ed Cooper Photography
Squaretop Mountain 3
Ed Cooper Photography
304630 North Face Mt. Stuart
Ed Cooper Photography
101366-Lenticular Cloudcap over Mt. Mckinley
Ed Cooper Photography
209615-Cirque of Towers, Wind Rivers, WY
Ed Cooper Photography
106663-El Capitan from Higher Cathedral Spire, BW
Ed Cooper Photography
1B6804-San Gabriel Mnts from Antelope Valley
Ed Cooper Photography
1M1311-Mt. McKinley Reflect and Fireweed
Ed Cooper Photography
102756 Bugaboo Spire
Ed Cooper Photography
1M9314 BW Clouds Linger over the Tetons
Ed Cooper Photography
4M6319 Mammoth Mountain at Minaret Vista
Ed Cooper Photography
D10937 Sunrise on Star Dune
Ed Cooper Photography
2D10688-Engineer Mountain in Fall
Ed Cooper Photography
D2M6101 Castle Crags State Park
Ed Cooper Photography
310427 Buildings in Ashcroft Ghost Town
Ed Cooper Photography
1M5613 Crater Lake Sunburst, OR
Ed Cooper Photography
3D10321 Claret Cup Cactus Flowers
Ed Cooper Photography
1M4525 Skykomish River and West Central Cascade Mountains
Ed Cooper Photography
D2M6450 Mt. Whitney and Rabbit Brush
Ed Cooper Photography
1M5705-H-Mt. McLoughlin from Lake of the Woods
Ed Cooper Photography
T-104106 Climbing Steep Ice on Mt. Baker 1957
Ed Cooper Photography
T-31501 Gorge on Cornell University Campus
Ed Cooper Photography
1M4907-V-Mt. St. Helens Reflect V
Ed Cooper Photography
T-702412-BW-Summit of Mt. Robson
Ed Cooper Photography
203553-North Face Mt. Temple BW
Ed Cooper Photography
143002-Clinchfield Overlook
Ed Cooper Photography
4B6332 Mustard and Mt. Diablo
Ed Cooper Photography
1A5719 Steins Pillar Oregon
Ed Cooper Photography
1M5442-South Sister from Middle Sister
Ed Cooper Photography
107604-E-Tetons from the Back H
Ed Cooper Photography
146216 Clouds over Mt. Mitchell
Ed Cooper Photography
DM5314 Climbers on Monkey Face Rock OR
Ed Cooper Photography
2M6437-Temple Crag
Ed Cooper Photography
T-M1607-EH-BW-Mt. Marcus baker and Columbia Glacier
Ed Cooper Photography
2D10392-H Needle Rock 4
Ed Cooper Photography
T-04401 Don Gordon and Fred Beckey on First Ascent East Ridge Forbidden Peak
Ed Cooper Photography
2M6709-Half Dome Reflect - V
Ed Cooper Photography
6B6319 Aging Cellars
Ed Cooper Photography
1M3518-Sunrise on Mt. Temple
Ed Cooper Photography
1M4503-Three Peaks of Mt. Index
Ed Cooper Photography
T-105206-Illumination Rock
Ed Cooper Photography
D6B6338 Super Moon Over Sonoma
Ed Cooper Photography
135764 Presidential Range NH Infrared
Ed Cooper Photography
Cannon beach at Sunset - V
Ed Cooper Photography
D14466-Morro Rock and Wildflowers
Ed Cooper Photography
1M9303 BWTetons seen from Jackson Hole
Ed Cooper Photography
1M5505-Mt. Thielsen in Clouds
Ed Cooper Photography
103852 North Face Mt. Edith Cavell BW
Ed Cooper Photography
2A6840 Flowers in Death Valley 1
Ed Cooper Photography
1M3001 Prince of Wales from Afar
Ed Cooper Photography
Marmolata Mountain
Ed Cooper Photography
809251-Teton Range seen from Idaho
Ed Cooper Photography
MNN-397-Interior of Old Faithful Inn
Ed Cooper Photography